Co.Credit - Trail Book Finance

Quick and easy business loans for Brokers

Unique, bespoke loans for trail book purchases analyzed on cash flow.

The leader in business lending for Brokers

Using fully automated systems and software, Co.Credit provides easy business loans for Brokers. Funds can be used for purchasing other broker books or general business purposes.

No tangible security: You don’t need a property to get funded

Low fees in, no fees out.

No valuation fees means you can get an indication of repayments and rates without spending thousands of dollars. And when you’re ready to payout the loan, clear it for free - no if’s and but’s, so your loan can be as flexible as you are.

Low Doc:

No financials required, we’re not interested in your P&L & Balance Sheet

How does it work?

Within 24 hours you could have your loan approved. Click below to get started.

Let's get started

The business loan Brokers have been looking for

Easy Peasy

The application process will take you less than 10 minutes – promise!

Fully automated

We'll do all the hard work

No docs required

To save you running around

Automated valuation

Saves you time and money

Reasonable rates

We play nice to keep your costs down


Payout your loan at any time with no penalties